понедельник, 21 апреля 2014 г.

What should you do before you leave?

 Here's a list of actions for your 'to do' list:
  • Bring your projects up to date – You can't always complete every project before making a transition, but if you finish as much as you can, this will make life easier.
  • Prepare a report for your replacement – Detail what we needs to know: future projects, who your clients are (and their contact information), tasks you recently completed, and how you did them – and anything else that's important.
  • Give 'insider' tips – Think about what you know now that you didn't know when you started this position. 
  • Plan for your new role – Our workbook  will help give you a head start.

среда, 16 апреля 2014 г.

Self-determination and teambuilding

How productive are you?

When we want to get more done, many of us simply work longer hours, move deadlines around, and multitask.
Productivity is a measure of how much you accomplish – not how busy you are. So it's far better to learn how to work intelligently, and to use leverage to achieve more with your time and resources. This will increase your productivity – and help you find extra time to do other things.
Мы ведь помним про цель и итоговые продукты? 
сами определились,  с командой разобрались и продвигаемся  вперед по курсу. Впереди - программирование.

понедельник, 14 апреля 2014 г.

Building a new effective team

What comes to mind when you think about an effective team?
You might picture a team that works seamlessly as a whole.
Everyone brings unique talents and strengths to the table, no-one is playing politics or bickering, and there's just enough competitive spirit to bring out the best in everyone.
Work gets done effectively, and everyone contributes to the team's goals.
Да,да у нас новая команда! И мы продолжаем курс "Современные технологии".
Приветствуем новых авторов и читателей открытой тетради - апрельских тезисов. Продуктивной всем работы!!!!
у нас уже есть заявки на "командообразованность", посмотрим, посмотрим!!!!

С нами:

Active Brains Collection (ABC) 
Steps to pupils